How to get there

How to get from Rome to Bari on your own

The distance from Rome to Bari is 429 km. The fastest way to get there is by plane, more interestingly by car, and cheaper by train and bus. In the article we will consider in detail all the options. Go!

By train

From Rome Central Station Roma Termini to Bari, regional and high-speed trains from Trenitalia depart 5 times a day. The cheapest regional train is only in the morning at 07:28, it costs only 15.90 euros, but the journey will take you at least 6.5 hours - I recommend this option when you have no choice and no money.

The best way to travel by train to Bari is to buy Frecciagento daily high-speed train tickets, which cost between 49.90 and 61 euros. The journey takes about 4 hours, and if you take care of the tickets at least a month in advance, you can buy them for only 39.90 euros. I don’t recommend evening options, as the train may be delayed, and it’s not a good idea to be in Bari at the train station at midnight.

Buying train tickets for Trenitalia is more convenient and understandable on the official website - the cost is the same.

By car

Traveling by car from Rome to Bari will take you from 4.5 to 6 hours - this is the most interesting and beautiful option possible, since in places the road is very beautiful. Renting a car is most advantageous immediately upon arrival at the Roman airport of Fiumicino (Aeroporto Internazionale Leonardo da Vinci di Fiumicino). For tips on car rental and travel in Italy, see

I advise you to lay a route through Benevento along the A1 / E45 highway, part of the road is paid - prepare about 20 euros.

If there is a lot of time, then you can leave Rome in the morning and make a detour to Tivoli, visit the villa of Cardinal D'Este, then drive through the incredibly beautiful region of Abruzzo and go along the sea going to Pescara south to Bari - such a trip will take you have from 8 to 12 hours, but the day will be full of impressions.

By plane

Ryanair and Alitalia planes fly from Rome to Bari 7-9 times a day. Direct flight from Fiumicino Airport lasts 1 hour 5 minutes.

Getting to Bari by plane is a great idea if you fly to Rome and immediately change trains. Given the time it takes to travel from the center of Rome to Fiumicino Airport, and then from the airport to Bari, the trip will take you about 5 hours.
The ticket price, excluding baggage, at the Ryanair low-cost airline starts from 11 euros.

By bus

The bus from Rome to Bari will take you about 6 hours by bus, but this option is the cheapest possible, since ticket prices start at 20 euros. Of all the companies, the only reliable and comfortable that I can recommend for traveling in Italy is Flixbus.

Buses run regularly, about 10 times a day. For budget travelers, growth up to 180 cm, I advise you to leave Rome by night bus at 22:30 or 23:30. A ticket costs from 18 euros, spend the night on the road and save on a hotel.

I hope my advice came in handy. Share your experiences on how you got to Bari in the comments. I will be glad to answer your questions.

Watch the video: Ferry from Croatia to Italy travel vlog from Dubrovnik to Bari (May 2024).

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